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Soul Circle

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vibey wellness spaces & community

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Soul Circle is a vibey community tribe that hosts Wellness Events and Women's Circles. 

We blend the practical and magical elements of Yoga, Wellness and Spirituality into all of our offerings.

In a world where the focus is on what's happening around you, it's important to schedule time to go inwards and find balance mentally, physically and emotionally. 

Our spaces are for self exploration, building community and connecting to your purpose. 

simple wellness tools & practices to help you live a vibrant life


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Monthly Meetups & Workshops


Join our modern day Women's Circle where we explore conscious creation, spiritual development, goal setting and spiritual concepts.

Each session is designed to take you on a cosmic journey through themes and topics within wellness and spirituality. Your intuition becomes your tour guide and you will have an opportunity to receive it's wisdom and ground your dreams into reality.


This is hosted in a relaxed studio space with a small group of women.

*Next Event: Pumpkin Painting + Women's Circle 19/10*

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My Services 

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Corporates, Workshops, 1:1 Coaching


If you're looking for a corporate wellness experience or intimate workshop, Soul Circle can create  a bespoke experience for you.

Choose From: 



1:1 Coaching

Yogalates (Yoga + Pilates)

Vision Board Workshop

Finding your Purpose

Women's Circle 

Bridal Party Circle

corporate yoga dublin

Additional Services


1:1 yoga & meditation


private coaching


group & corporates


your life is entirely up to you

wellness coach dublin

Meet Rachael

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I'm a 31 year old Professional Dancer and Yoga Teacher. I created Soul Circle as a result of my struggles with: mental health, toxic dance environments and feeling lost and like I had no purpose in life. When I finally decided to make a change , I felt overwhelmed by the amount of information, teachings and conflicting perspectives within Wellness and Spirituality. My experience navigating this path has proven that there is no "right" way and most people need a little help finding "their" way.


Soul Circle is a modern day application of ancient Wellness tools and Spiritual practices to help you connect to your true potential and create a life that makes you feel happy from the inside out.

Feeling connected to my purpose has allowed me to become more comfortable in being myself and take more leaps of faith. I wholeheartedly believe that we are here to live our unique purpose and create the things we daydream about. My love for the creative arts, wellness, spirituality and style is woven into everything I do! 


purpose. conscious living. spirituality.

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